Liebig34 Day X

The cops want to evict Liebig34 in the early morning of 9th October. For this the cops again establish a “red zone“. It means that all streets around the house will be blocked. Only those registered in the area will be allowed to pass. Protests against it will be everywhere as the Liebig34 calls for a decentral action concept on their day of eviction. Here the call by Liebig34 for their day X “Turning eviction into desaster, but how?”.
With your friends, buddies or affinity groups you can get creative – think about where it makes sense to get active and get prepared to be out on the street early. Similar concepts were tried out on the 1st May and 2nd of June, except this time responsibility is on all of us to get active.
Additionally there will be two registered manifestations next to the “red zone” – Bersarinplatz and in front of Rigaerstr.94 which will start at 3am. There will be an info point n Rigaerstraße78. An “OutofAction” room also exists. The address can be asked for in the info point.

In the evening will be the spontaenous demonstration for Liebig34 Day X. It will start at 9pm at Monbijoupark, and will be registered this time. Information about the route and how to get prepared you can find here.