The Interkiezionale invites you to exchange ideas.
A lot has happened since the last assembly on July 1st…
Anger: Liebig 34’s appeal against the default judgment was rejected. The anarchist queer feminist house project can now be legally evicted at any time. Cops, Secus and a Lusche have terrorized and criminalized the residents* of Rigaer 94 and all those who stood by them. The eviction date of the Syndikat is getting closer and closer.
Brave: Solidary messages from home and abroad reach our projects, nightly actions against the City of the Rich have taken place, a demonstration for an “angry eviction kick-off” will run through Neukölln on August 1.
We would like to talk to you about what has happened and what is to come. We also have action cards and tips for August 1st.
- Updates of the projects
- Important information about the demonstration “Get off the defensive!”
- Day X
- Demonstration and action week in September
- Discussion
from about 8:00 p.m. “Food Not Bombs Vokü.”
Come in large numbers and masked!
Hooray for interkiezionale solidarity! We all stay!
Wednesday 29.07.2020 // 19 Uhr // @ Köpi-Hof (Köpenicker Straße 137)